
The Long Game is a website for people that want to grow and challenge themselves. It is about the drive to better ourselves mentally, physically, and spiritually while having the curiosity to enjoy the journey. I will include articles, podcast, videos, and blogs on a variety of topics ranging from psychology, fitness, meditation, and nutrition.

Three Tips to Go from Distracted to Focused

Three Tips to Go from Distracted to Focused

Do you find yourself getting distracted? Confession – I get distracted and know several others who do as well. In a world where the smartest people use their knowledge to keep us distracted by social media, news, and every other bit of technology, what are we to do?

We can reign this in by training ourselves to focus. But, how do we do this? These are 3 easy steps to get you started: 1)Lean into internal discomfort; 2) Cut your external triggers; and, 3) Train your focus muscle.

1: Lean into internal discomfort

Step 1 is to figure out why we are so easily distracted. Distraction typically comes from internal discomfort and trying to escape what is in front of us. We allow our urges to overwhelm us and we go for them whenever they arise. You see your phone and think, you need to check and see if someone texted you or you wonder what is happening on Instagram. The next thing you know, an hour has gone by and you have nothing to show for it. When these urges arise, we don’t need to suppress them. We need to ride them out. Get curious about why they are there and what is deeper. Journaling is great in this respect. All you need to do is write down the urge and then spend a minute contemplating the deeper discomfort. Maybe you are procrastinating on a task at work because you’re worried about how it will turn out.

2) Cut your external triggers

After you get a handle on what is going on inside, cut your external triggers to the bone. Turn off all of the notifications on your phone. Put it in another room if you need to. When we are cutting our external triggers, we don’t need to go to the extreme and think we must completely rid our lives of them. We need to check email and social media for our businesses. The key is to do this on a planned schedule. It can be beneficial to allocate time in your day to get on Instagram and check email. If you don’t, there is a good chance you will constantly task switch between email, writing content, researching, and checking out social media or whatever tasks you have on your plate.

3) Train your focus muscle

The final step is to train your mind to focus. This is where breathwork can be extremely beneficial. Spending time each morning with no input, just your breath, trains the brain to focus on the task at hand. Over time, you will notice less of a desire to run from your internal discomfort and fall prey to your external triggers. Recent studies show just fifteen minutes of diaphragmatic breathing is enough to increase attention span dramatically. As you dive into your practice, you will also find certain techniques to help change your state instantly. With practice a few minutes a day, you can go from tired and distracted to focused and energize just by changing your breathing patterns.

To Sum it up

In today’s age, focus is a superpower. When everyone is distracted by the world around them, think how far ahead you can get by staying focused and staying the course. Don’t allow your internal discomfort and technology to control you. Learn to train your focus muscle and complete the work you were destined to do, whether it is completing a big project at work, writing a book, or going back for a degree. Distraction is on the top of the list of things to derail your progress. The good thing is, you’re in control. But, what are you going to do?

Call To Action

At Symmetry, we help busy people take back control of their lives, so they have more time, more energy, and less stress! If you’re ready to take back control of your life, set-up a FREE 15-minute call today!  We are currently offering virtual breath classes to help you begin to experience the benefits of breath. You can access our schedule here. Our programs will improve your mindset, your performance, and give you tools to better handle the stresses of everyday life.  Check out our website, to find out more information.

How to Finish the Year Strong

How to Finish the Year Strong

This One Trait is Vital to Learn and Grow

This One Trait is Vital to Learn and Grow